Bookends Menu Items: ...FILE MENU ...New Database ...Open Database ...Save a Copy ...Import References ...Compact Database ...Page Setup ...Print ...Open URL ...Quit FILE MENU   New Database… The New Database… command makes a copy of the database you are currently using and then deletes all the references. Bibliographic formats, Search Strategies, and the Journal Glossary are retained. + You probably don’t want to use New Database in a database that has hundreds of references. Since Bookends has to delete the information in the copy of the database, the process takes a long time. Instead, you should make a copy of the (empty) Database Master. Open Database… This option displays an Open File dialog box listing the names of Bookends databases. + Choosing a new database closes the current one unless you click the Open in new window button at the bottom of the Open File dialog. Save a Copy… This displays a Save File dialog box. Type in a name for the copy and click on Save. A copy of the current database is saved, except the Hits List is emptied. You may wish to do this before making major changes to your database that are irreversible (such as removing duplicates) in case the results are not what you expected. We also strongly recommend that you make backup copies of your database(s). These copies should be stored on other media in case your hard drive fails. + Bookends automatically saves any text you type as you enter it! Therefore, there is no Save menu item in the File menu, and no dialog will appear asking you if you want to save the changes you have made when you Quit Bookends. Import References… Information can be brought into Bookends from text files created by other Bookends databases and by many national database services. See Appendix D for details. Compact Database… This option removes unused disk space in a database that accumulates during the operation of the program. Since this involves making a “compacted” copy of the database prior to deleting the original, this process requires that sufficient empty disk space is available to accommodate the compacted file. When you select this menu item you will see this dialog box:   We recommend that you periodically compact your databases to optimize operations such as Find and Search. When you quit Bookends, it checks to see how much unused disk space the file has. If ≥20% of the space is unused, Bookends automatically asks if you want to compact the file before quitting. Page Setup... This brings up the standard printing options. Print... You can print any or all references, with or without bibliography formatting, by using the Print… command. Selecting Print… brings up this dialog box:   The Print pop-up menu has these choices:   Thus, you can print information from the reference currently begin viewed, the references in the Hits List, or all references in the database. You can print the reference(s) in any pre-defined format style, or you can use the default format. The default format includes the ID number and every field that contains information (empty fields are not printed). The font used to print is the default set by the user in Preferences. This is a quick way to print bibliography data, although it is not as flexible as the Bibliography Formatter (no text styles and a fixed display format. An example of a reference printed with the default print format is: ID: #14322 Authors: Jones, JD; Smith, ER Title: Is absence of proof proof of absence? Journal: J. Exp. Sci. Volume: 12 Pages: 34-56 Date: 1994 Type: j Open URL If you have Web addresses (URLs, or Universal Resource Locators) entered in a reference, you can have Bookends automatically open your Web browser and find the URL. For example, you might store the URL for an article published on-line in the Notes field: Highlight (select) the URL, then select the Open URL item from the File menu. The first time you do this, you will a dialog box asking you for the name of your Web browser. After you select the browser, Bookends will launch it (if it is not already open) and instruct the browser to go to the URL "http"//". + You can set the name of the Web browser in page 3 of Preferences   If you want to change Web browser you use, do so here. Bookends will pass on to your browser URLs that begin with the following internet instructions: http: ftp: gopher: mailto: If you have highlighted text that does not begin with one of these, Bookends will display a dialog box containing the letters "http://" followed by the selected text. You can edit this or simply accept it by pressing OK. Bookends will then instruct your browser to go to the specified URL. + Opening of a URL in a browser requires that you have AppleScript 1.1 or later installed. If you do not have this extension, the Open URL menu item in the File menu will be disabled. Quit Choosing Quit exits Bookends. If ≥20% of the database space is unused, a dialog box asks if you want to compact the database. If you choose Yes, a check is made to determine if enough disk space is available to do this, and you are informed if it is insufficient.